Water Street morning, 16X12, oil on canvasboard. |
Yesterday, Jacq Baldini asked on FB, ““Is this how you really want to be spending your day?” Brilliant question. Darn, I love spending my days like this.
At the end of a plein air festival, what stays with you the most is the conviviality. I got to see
Michael Chesley Johnson’s utterly fantastic painting of the Maine Maritime Academy’s training ship. I got to laugh like a hyena with
Olena Babakand
Renee Lammers while painting on a deck loaned to us by the owner, who rolled off to dinner as soon as we appeared. I painted with
Carol Wileyalong Water Street, and with
Michael Vermette at the Revolutionary reenactment at the Wilson Museum.
Dappled light (Revolutionary War reenactment), oil on canvasboard, 20X16. |
Dyce Head Light, 16X12, oil on canvasboard. |
Shot the breeze with Ted Lameyer at about fifty different locales, and painted his kid’s bike dumped along Perkins Street. I had a glass of wine with
Bobbi Heathat the artists’ reception.
Mary Byromplotted with me about participating in Saranac Lake, but I only had a brief moment to chat with
Laurie Lefebvre while painting—she can set up, paint, and tear down in her inimitable furious style in the time it takes me to choose a brush.
Lunch break, 9X12, oil on canvasboard. |
A happy band of brothers are we.
A very unique feature about Castine Plein Air is that they partner artists with local residents. My "host family" are gracious and avid supporters of the community, not to mention phenomenal chefs. When you're in the field painting from 7 AM until 9 PM, having a real home to come home to is wonderful.
The Path Below the Lighthouse, 6X8, oil on canvasboard |
If there was a TripAdvisor for plein air festivals, I'd rate this one tops.
Next week, I’m painting both at Camden Falls Gallery and Waldoboro’s Paint the Town. But today I am going to rest, do my laundry, and peace out.
Sorry, folks. My workshop in Belfast, ME is sold out. Message me if you want a spot on my waitlist, or information about next year’s programs. Information is available here.